golden prairie grass

Where it began…

FarmGirl Press was created by Angela Sievers and Stephanie Marcellus, two farmgirls with deep-rooted ties to rural life and passion for the literary. We cherish the way a southern wind can create a slow tempo in the prairie grass and how a thunderhead can roll in from the west and vanquish the horizon. We love the way that frost gathers on the branches of a cottonwood and creates sparkling lacework above a crystalline blanket of snow. The way a stream cuts through a valley bronzed with brome and the crows that caw in the distance. The lone wildflower blooming in the ditch.

Through words and art, we yearn to capture and celebrate these rural scenes and the experiences and epiphanies that they engender. This is a place where rural landscapes and the written word meet. Here, on the plains, the weather is changeable and the rugged fields full of wild spirit, but we learn to navigate the currents of its beauty. Please join us in celebrating the rural world in our publication, The Gilded Weathervane